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Dignity Health Medical Group

Before Bariatric Surgery: What to Expect

If you have decided to pursue weight loss surgery, it probably took a lot of due diligence, research, and soul searching. You have most likely lived with all the effects of being overweight or obese. When you begin the weight loss journey, don’t expect overnight results. In fact, don’t expect to have a consultation and think you will be scheduled for surgery immediately. There is a lot of preparation. Before bariatric surgery: what to expect.

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How to Relieve GERD Without Medication

Besides having a terrible nightmare, the next worst wake up is from acid coming up from your stomach into your mouth during the night. This is known as GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. If this wake up happens to you at least twice a week, you probably are suffering from GERD. Maybe you keep over-the-counter medications on hand, but let’s explore how to relieve GERD without medication.

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When Is It Time To Consider Acid Reflux/GERD Surgery?

GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a disorder that affects many Americans. Many think of it as just heartburn, while others know it as pain at night after a big meal. When bile and acid enter your throat, you can’t ignore it. It can become quite serious and eventually necessitate surgery. So, when is it time to consider acid reflux surgery?

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What Are the Mental Health Benefits of Weight Loss?

Most of us understand that losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle will improve many of our typical health problems. It can reduce the risk of heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, and the ever present aches and pains like lower back pain. What can get lost in the mix is how losing weight affects our mental health. That’s pretty important too. Let’s delve into the mental health benefits of weight loss.

Read More »What Are the Mental Health Benefits of Weight Loss?

Bariatric Surgery Linked to Reducing Cancer Risk in Women

Bariatric surgery has become a popular procedure due to its impact on reducing obesity-related diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Of course it has also become popular due to patients wanting a more pleasing appearance and a better quality of life. Now, several studies are showing bariatric surgery linked to reducing cancer risk in women. This is a phenomenal development and opens up a whole new set of benefits for someone considering weight loss surgery.

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How Weight Loss Surgery Can Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

People decide to have bariatric surgery for many reasons. It could be that their weight is causing serious medical conditions, they are physically and emotionally uncomfortable, or they have a special upcoming event. Of course, there are a multitude of reasons people make this decision, but now let’s discover how weight loss surgery can help reverse Type 2 diabetes. That is certainly a healthy goal.

Read More »How Weight Loss Surgery Can Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

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