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News & Events Foods And Drinks To Avoid Following Bariatric Surgery

Foods And Drinks To Avoid Following Bariatric Surgery

After bariatric surgery the last thing you want to do is irritate your stomach or follow a diet which can cause a setback. Here are some specific foods and drinks to avoid following bariatric surgery, but always check with Dr. Shawn Stevenson about your particular recommended diet.

Man declining alcoholic drink.

General Liquid Guidelines After Bariatric Surgery

Avoid caffeine for the first three months. Carbonated drinks are a no-no for most people after weight loss surgery for at least that period of time.

Alcohol is not allowed for at least six months for the following reasons:

  • Alcohol is high in calories and contains virtually no nutrients.
  • Alcohol slows down weight loss and can contribute to weight gain.
  • Bariatric surgery alters your metabolism and makes blood alcohol levels rise faster and take longer to recovery.
  • A single drink can cause your blood alcohol level to be legally intoxicated.
  • Alcohol causes blood sugar levels to drop dangerously.
  • Drinking alcohol can become a substitute for a new addiction with someone already dependent.

As time passes, you may slowly and gradually add alcohol to your diet. Speak with Dr. Shawn Stevenson about when.

General Food Guidelines After Bariatric Surgery

It is best to avoid starches like rice and pasta, and fried foods as they can make you gassy and bloated. Choose instead non-starchy veggies like broccoli, spinach, and cauliflower.

Chew your food slowly, eat slowly, and take small bites of your food. Try to stay within 300-600 calories a day and don’t exceed 1000 calories.

Stay away from fried foods, greasy foods, and meat that is chewy or dry. Don’t eat foods that are heavily seasoned or reheated in the microwave. Lastly don’t eat any of the sugar alcohols like xylitol, glycerol, and mannitol, erythritol, and sorbitol.


Try to eat 60-80 grams of protein per day. It will help to maintain muscle mass and reduce sagging skin as you lose weight.

It will also help to prevent hair loss during the first several months after your weight loss due to lack of protein and other nutrients like Vitamin B6, zinc and potassium. Take supplements of these vitamins and minerals to reduce or prevent any hair loss.

Pick lean cuts of meat, and eat fish, yogurt, eggs, cheese, beans, and nuts. Always choose low fat and low sugar varieties.

Your overall goal after bariatric surgery is to limit calories and have balanced meals to prevent nutrient deficiencies and preserve your muscle mass.

Contact Dr. Shawn Stevenson with questions about YOUR diet following bariatric surgery.

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